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Core Team

Professor Lucie Middlemiss

Lucie is a Professor of Environment and Society in the Sustainability Research Institute. She leads the Energy Poverty and Social Relations project and co-leads the Whole Person, Whole Place project.

Professor Mark Davis

Mark is Professor of Economic Sociology in the School of Sociology and Social Policy. He leads the Local Climate Bonds project, and co-leads the Whole Person, Whole Place project.

Dr Ruth Bookbinder

Dr Ruth Bookbinder joined Anne, Lucie and Mark as a postdoctoral researcher on Whole Person Whole Place in 2021, contributing to developing a relational approach to retrofit.

Dr Anne Owen

Anne is an Associate Professor in the School of Earth and Environment. She leads the Energy Demographics project and led the quantitative analysis parts of the Whole Person Whole Place project

Leeds Affiliates

Dr Lena Kilian

Lena was a PhD student linked to the Energy Demographics project. Her PhD research looked at subnational household carbon emissions and their links to social factors and inequalities.

Dr Diana Ivanova

Diana Ivanova is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Earth and Environment, interested in social and environmental impacts, justice and governance related to consumption and its global supply chains.

Dr Pepa Ambrosio-Albala

Pepa Ambrosio Albalá is a Research Fellow in the Sustainability Research Institute. She led the secondary qualitative analysis work in the Energy Poverty and Social Relations project.

Non-Leeds Affiliates

Dr Donal Brown

Dr Donal Brown is now Director of UK Programmes at Ashden Climate Solutions. He provided the technical green buildings / retrofit expertise for the Whole Person, Whole Place project.

Dr Stephen Hall

Now at the University of York, Steve is working on how relational approaches to energy can change the way we govern electricity transitions in the UK and beyond.

Professor Matthew Hannon

Dr Iain Cairns

Dr Tom Hargreaves

An Associate Professor at the University of East Anglia, Tom’s work on the Energy Poverty and Social Relations project explored how social relations and emotions shape and can sometimes exacerbate lived experiences of energy vulnerability.

Dr Giulia Mininni

Dr Giuilia Mininni was Research Fellow within the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex on the Whole Person Whole Place project focusing on the social relations of energy retrofitting within the private rented sector.

Dr Marie Claire Brisbois

Dr Marie Claire Brisbois was the University of Sussex Principal Investigator on the Whole Person, Whole Place project, and focused on relational dynamics of retrofit in the private rented sector.